AI-Generated Text To Video

Chris Goodman
3 min readSep 1, 2022


AI-Generated Text To Video

Video content has become promoted more and more over other forms including text and image; however, it takes substantially more time to create great curated video content than it is to smash out a quick blog on the keyboard. One way to turn your text blogs into videos is to use an AI-Generated service that converts the text automagically into video for even higher ranking in SEO and algorithms. This is another service that is marketed to marketers, so let’s see how useful this one really is.

WARNING: There are limitations to this method as the voice may come out sounding automated/machine-like, the video quality may be very generic, and there is the possibility of the video elements being off-brand and incongruent with other marketing efforts. With this said, I’m going to use this blog as an example on how it’s done and we can see what the results look like together.

The first step is to find a topic and populate a script. The next is to find a text to video creator online. There should be a fair amount of services online for this task so if you don’t like the ones I list, you can always go hunt down one you do like. The top ones are Synthesia, Articlevideorobot, Typito, Lumen5, Viomatic, and Capwing. For this experiment I’m only going to use one of these services and it’s going to be Lumen5 because it looks the easiest to use and its free plan has everything we need. You can check out the other services as I’ll be linking them in the section at the bottom of this article.

Lumen5 Text To Video Screenshot

On lumen5, the first step is to create an account and to follow the steps to create your video. This includes selecting the video size ratio and preparing your text content. The next step is to copy and paste the text into the textbox on the left-hand side. Step 3 is to hit the “convert to video button”. You can even record your own voiceovers for the videos. If you do voiceovers, double-check to make sure that there are subtitles embedded into the video for extra SEO points! Finally, check the video using the “preview” function before smashing that “publish” button. Now that we have our video, it’s time to upload it alongside our blog! My preferred placement for these types of videos is right at the top; however, you can place it on the side, inside the body, or even at the bottom if you like.

What are your thoughts? Is it on brand? Is this effective? Does this seem like something you would implement as part of a content and SEO marketing strategy? Let me know in the comments below.

Thank you for taking the time to follow me on this journey, if you have any questions or comments, please share them in the comments section as I would love to hear from you! If you like this content, please like and share to help spread this useful information.




Chris Goodman

Hey guys I’m a digital marketer and musician living in Las Vegas!